HAVFD is once again holding our annual cash raffle!
Final Draw is Saturday December 14, 2024 at 6:00pm.
We well be setup at various locations in Akwesasne selling tickets leading up to the final draw date. Please see a member for tickets or keep an eye out on our Facebook page for details of when and where we will be setting up. Pay US win US, pay Canadian win Canadian.
Alternatively you can purchase tickets via PayPal (US) or etransfer (CDN) and using the following email havfd.treasurer@gmail.com. Be cautious of scams as any other email addresses are not associated with HAVFD. Tickets purchased through PayPal or etransfer may take a few days to process as they are proccesed manually. If you purchased before the deadline rest assured you will be entered into the draw.
On Wednesday November 27, 2024 HAVFD held an early bird draw where 10th, 9th, and 8th, place were drawn. Congratulations to the following individuals who won $1000.00 each.
10th Natalie Leaf
9th Jingles
8th Judy Cole
Big Title
10th $1000.00
9th $1000.00
8th $1000.00
7th $1000.00
6th $1000.00
5th $1000.00
4th $1000.00
3rd $1500.00
2nd $2500.00
1st $5,000.00